


TNT解说之Marv Albert

  • 职业生涯介绍

Marv Albert (born Marvin Philip Aufrichtig; June 12, 1941) is an American sportscaster. Honored for his work as a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, he is commonly referred to as “the voice of basketball.” From 1967–2004, he was also known as “the voice of the New York Knicks.”
Including Super Bowl XLII in 2008, Marv has called the play-by-play of six Super Bowls, NBA Finals, and seven Stanley Cup Finals. He has also called the Wimbledon Tennis Championships for TNT with Jim Courier and Mary Carillo. He also worked as a co-host and reporter for two World Series (1986 and 1988).

Albert currently works for Turner Sports and CBS Sports. He serves as lead announcer for NBA games on TNT, calls regional NFL games on CBS, and also calls NCAA tournament action for CBS and Turner.

  • 性丑闻

Albert became the focus of a media frenzy in 1997, when he went on trial for felony charges of forcible sodomy.[13] A 42-year-old woman named Vanessa Perhach[14] accused Albert of throwing her on a bed, biting her, and forcing her to perform oral sex after a February 12, 1997 argument in his Pentagon City hotel room. DNA testing linked Albert to genetic material taken from the bite marks and from semen in Perhach’s underwear.[15] During the trial, testimony was presented from another woman, Patricia Masden, who told the jury that Albert had bitten her on two different occasions in 1993 and 1994 in Miami and Dallas hotels, which she viewed as unwanted sexual advances.[16] Masden claimed that in Dallas, Albert called her to his hotel room to help him send a fax, only for her to find him wearing “white panties and garter belt.”[17] Albert maintained that Perhach had requested that he bite her and denied her accusation that he’d asked her to bring another man into their sexual affair. He described the recorded conversation of hers with the police on the night of the incident “an Academy Award performance.”[14] After tests proved that the bite marks were his, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and battery charges, while the sodomy charge was dropped.[13][18] Albert was given a 12-month suspended sentence.[19][20]

  • 评价

就是这样一个有过性丑闻的人,之后美帝人民还是能顾不计前嫌,让他来解说重大的NBA赛事,之所以这次了解这个人是因为今天看NBA西部决赛,而他就是场上的现场解说,这个解说很棒,把我也带入到那样一个世界里面,真好。之前也一直很想了解一下NBA这些美国解说们,觉得他们很牛,今天终于给解说长时间的镜头了,好像是因为steve kerr不能够再参与接下来的tnt解说了,而给到解说员的身份解说的字幕的时候,我也把那些人名都记下来了,其中有雷吉米勒还有他,于是Google了一下,再之后,就是我了解的这段维基百科。

  • 其他


链接地址是https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clStrctOd-Y 请自行观看。
  • 参考资料


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